Tag Archives: the-filmmaking

Is Faith-Based Courageous Shaping Up to Be the Sleeper Hit of the Fall?

Here we go again: Almost three years to the day after Sherwood Pictures — the filmmaking enterprise of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga. — uncorked its self-funded Christian drama Fireproof to a shocking $6.8 million opening weekend, along comes the church’s faith-based follow-up Courageous . And while no one should necessarily be surprised to hear that the film’s early box-office estimates are strong, its potential hardly ceases to amaze.

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Is Faith-Based Courageous Shaping Up to Be the Sleeper Hit of the Fall?

Backstage at the 2010 Oscars

Mindy Hall may have taken home an Oscar for achievement in makeup on Star Trek , but it’s pretty clear her favorite part of the filmmaking experience was working with star Chris Pine. “I was all over him,” she gushed. [5 photos] Continue reading

A Must-Have: The Twilight Saga: New Moon: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion

The Hollywood Gossip likes to consider ourselves as the preeminent online resource for The Twilight Saga. But what happens if one’s Internet connections fail

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A Must-Have: The Twilight Saga: New Moon: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion

We Love You So

Link: http://weloveyouso.com/ A group blog about Where The Wild Things Are (movie version) and all the artists who've been a part of the filmmaking process. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment