Tag Archives: the-game-frame

Apple Working On iPad Gaming Attachment?

I spent a long time talking about the Apple iPad with my new gang/80s tribute band The New Futurists last night, and while opinion was mixed in the group as to who was going to buy Apple’s new device, one thing was clear: No one was certain what they would do with an iPad if they had one. Except me: I’d use it to play games, and it looks like Apple is taking steps to make iPad gaming more user-friendly. A patent application revealed by IntoMobile indicates that Apple is working to address one of the main problems in iPad and iPhone gaming: The controls. Having your avatar and your control scheme on the same surface is problematic for gaming — your fingers totally get in the way– so Apple is patenting a gaming attachment to seperate the two. The attachments envisioned basically transforms your iPad/iPhone into a gaming rig by adding a frame with a joystick and button combination. Apple is also looking into adding variations of the game-frame that include a camera, vibration, microphone, and an accelerometer. Apple’s patent also covers technology that lets you use your Apple devices with your TV and stereo via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, so you can stream video and audio to your TV and watch 24

Talkabouts: World of Warcraft Plushes

Blizzard recently sent TheFeed a couple of World of Warcraft plush toys. The