Tag Archives: the-harvesting

Solar Ibex Cooker Is High Tech Version of Low Tech Stove

Image via Yanko Solar cookers can be super simple devices — just a cardboard box with some aluminum foil lining and a plastic cover. Or, they can be very high tech, and such is the case with the Solar Ibex Cooker concept from designer Nir Beit-av. This particular cooker has a lot of built in technology that can keep your pot boiling all day long. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Solar Ibex Cooker Is High Tech Version of Low Tech Stove

"Fossilized" Bamboo Flooring Is Hardest Wood Flooring Ever

Cali Bamboo As we noted in a post a couple of years ago , bamboo floors are not really as hard as a lot of manufacturers claimed, and that the hardness varied with colour- the darker the bamboo, the softer it was. A lot has changed since then in the harvesting of bamboo and the glueing of it together to make it a greener floor, but what about a harder one? Preston at Jetson Green now … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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"Fossilized" Bamboo Flooring Is Hardest Wood Flooring Ever