Tag Archives: the-midnight

Spike Jonze Presents a Stop Motion Film for Book Lovers


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It all started when filmmaker Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich, Where the Wild Things Are) met handbag designer Olympia Le-Tan and asked her to create a Catcher in the Rye embroidery for his wall. She asked him to collaborate on a film in return. And so Jonze and Le-Tan, together with French director Simon Cahn, Spike Jonze Presents a Stop Motion Film for Book Lovers is a post from: Open Culture… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Open Culture Discovery Date : 18/10/2011 23:27 Number of articles : 2

Spike Jonze Presents a Stop Motion Film for Book Lovers

Midnight Sun


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(vimeo link) A beautiful and trippy time-lapse video of the midnight sun in Iceland, filmed in June of 2011. From the vimeo description: Iceland is a landscape photographers paradise and playground, and should be number 1 on every photographers must visit list. Iceland during the Midnight Sun is in sort of a permanent state of sunset. The Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 19/10/2011 06:59 Number of articles : 2

Midnight Sun

VIDEO: Jason Statham Gets Grittier in Trailer for Direct-to-DVD Blitz

Jason Statham’s new British action thriller Blitz may go straight to DVD in the U.S., but why, girls, why? It has all of these cineplex treats: Jason Statham’s stathamminess, Paddy Considine as Statham’s openly gay partner, and enough grumbled quips to appease most fans of the honorable Jean-Claude Van Damme . Adapted from Ken Bruen’s novel by Moon scribe Nathan Parker, Blitz goes for grit and comes up with grumbles. I think we can all respect that.

VIDEO: Jason Statham Gets Grittier in Trailer for Direct-to-DVD Blitz

See Andrew Garfield Embrace His Inner Teen Wolf in New Spiderman Photo

Flaming Lips go "Dark Side" for Bonnaroo

If you missed the Flaming Lips doing “Dark Side on the Moon” on New Year’s Eve, never fear. Spinner.com reports the band will revive their throwback set at Bonnaroo: “As of yesterday, we’re gonna do it at Bonnaroo at the midnight slot, the first night,” Coyne says. “We do a Flaming Lips set then starting about 2:30 we do this ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ thing

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Flaming Lips go "Dark Side" for Bonnaroo

35 Twilight Buys For Your ‘New Moon’ Viewing Party

Hey everyone, it's New Moon Week! Here are some vampire-inspired tote bags, wallets, and onesies for you to wear to the midnight showing on Thursday. (Thanks to Etsy and Regretsy for enabling this merchandise.) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment