Tag Archives: the-operations

Nepal Plane Crash Left 22 Dead

Nepal Plane Crash Left 22 Dead – A DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft has went missing en route from Lamidanda to Kathmandu in eastern Nepal. The said plane crashed in mountainous area east of the capital, killing all 22 people aboard. According to the operations supervisor at Tribhuwan International Airport, Purusottam Shakya, said that the Nepal Plane Crash Left 22 Dead is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Pam Anderson’s Hard Nipples in White for PETA of the Day

Pam Anderson is at some Vegan bullshit and I guess along with giving up with all animal products, she also gave up on wearing a bra, not that she needs to wear because she’s got tits so solid you could hang plants off of, but she should be wearing a bra cuz she’s old, disgusting, over and done, that dairy is expired, kinda thing, but I guess she’s just happy her nipples still work after all the operations and feels the need to show the shit off and really…who fucking cares…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Pam Anderson’s Hard Nipples in White for PETA of the Day

Heidi Montag: Addicted to Plastic Surgery

She may be only 23, but The Hills’ Heidi Montag is already closing in on that many plastic surgeries. While that sounds like an exaggeration, but it’s really not. Nose

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Heidi Montag: Addicted to Plastic Surgery