Tag Archives: the-pedestrian

Failed Suicide Attempt of the DAy

I don’t know if it is because I have no soul, or because I find death worth laughing at since we all die…or if it is because I hate suicidal people and all their throwing their life away because it sucks, even though life sucks for everyone, even people with everything, it’s just human nature to be miserable, but some of us are better at laughing it off… So there’s something very funny about idiots who try to kill themselves and totally fail, you know end up surviving, because they suck at everything they do… But in this case, dude was saved by a pedestrian who was just chilling, only to be landed on by some asshole suicidal prick…and apparently…the pedestrian died…proving that this Suicidal idiot….is now a murderer…that’s gonna real If you don’t like seeing an idiot sucidal murderer fleeing the scene…here’s a video of a smoking’ hot fiery date…

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Failed Suicide Attempt of the DAy

Herman Cain on The Tonight Show; Campaign Has Big Surge in Fund-Raising in Third Quarter


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Looks like the Hermanator is gaining strength. I loved his appearance on The Tonight Show: R.S. McCain has news of fund-raising momentum in Cain’s campaign: The buzz coming from the Herman Cain campaign is that they will be the only presidential campaign — including Obama and GOP front-runner Mitt Romney — whose third-quarter fund-raising numbers are Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : marfdrat Discovery Date : 01/10/2011 13:24 Number of articles : 2

Herman Cain on The Tonight Show; Campaign Has Big Surge in Fund-Raising in Third Quarter

‘Occupy Wall Street’: New York City Police Arrest 700 Protesters at Brooklyn Bridge Shut Down


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NEW YORK (AP) — New York City police say about 700 protesters have been arrested after they swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours. Police say some demonstrators spilled onto the roadway Saturday night after being told to stay on the pedestrian pathway. They face charges… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 02/10/2011 06:34 Number of articles : 3

‘Occupy Wall Street’: New York City Police Arrest 700 Protesters at Brooklyn Bridge Shut Down