Tag Archives: the-population

Ugly Betty Miserable Bra Flash of the Day

I don’t like shows about ugly bitches. I don’t think they should even be allowed on TV, since TV is supposed to set the mood and the insecurities of the population and this Ugly Betty bitch throws that off, I guess that’s why it was cancelled, something I was really happy about, but unfortunately, now that they are cancelled, they are pulling all the stops and really letting lose with the shit, with scenes involving America Ferrera, the pig who plays the Ugly bitch because she’s ugly flashing her bra and the whole thing may be exciting to you, but I think should get some execs fined by the FCC or whoever the people who always run after Howard Stern are. This is obscene. Little kids were possibly watching the show with their fat moms who relate to the show…but probbaly not…since no one is watching the show.


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Ugly Betty Miserable Bra Flash of the Day

US backs ban on bluefin tuna trade

The US government announced yesterday that it supports prohibiting international trade of Atlantic bluefin tuna, a move that could lead to the most sweeping trade restrictions ever imposed on the highly prized fish. Sushi aficionados in Japan and elsewhere have consumed bluefin for decades, causing the fish’s population to plummet. In less than two weeks, representatives from 175 countries will convene in Doha, Qatar, to determine whether to restrict the trade of bluefin tuna – valued for its rich, buttery taste – and an array of other imperiled species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Japan, the world’s largest bluefin consumer, opposes the idea of trade restrictions, while the European Union has yet to take a formal position. Over the past 40 years, the adult population of eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna has declined 72 percent. In the western Atlantic, the population has dropped 82 percent. The declines occurred even though bluefin fishing was being governed by an international panel that sets catch quotas and is supposed to curtail illegal fishing. added by: jefftego

Humans might have faced extinction 1 million years ago

“New genetic findings suggest that early humans living about one million years ago were extremely close to extinction.

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Humans might have faced extinction 1 million years ago

Pandemic Boy

As a carrier of a horrible disease, you are tasked with infecting and killing as much of the population as you can before the disease kills you off. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Sarah Palin: The Future of Politics or an Ordinary D-Lister?

Sarah Palin entered the national political spotlight in August 2008 when she became Sen. John McCain’s V.P

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Sarah Palin: The Future of Politics or an Ordinary D-Lister?

Mythical Swedish Lesbian Town

CULTURE BUZZ : The Chinese media are obsessed with some women-only Swedish town where the population of 25,000 sexually-frustrated females are free to carry out their carnal lesbian trysts. This sounds like the sort of town that should probably exist in China (and Epcot Center!). Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

The man who’s allergic to Wi-Fi

Steve Miller, a club DJ, claims he's allergic to Wi-Fi internet waves. Exposure to Wi-Fi leaves him feeling dizzy, sick and disorientated.

See the original post here:
The man who’s allergic to Wi-Fi