Her name is Julia Stegner…She is a hot German 26 year old model who I’m down with and not because she likes being shit on like all German’s do….but because she’s willing to get naked for her craft cuz she knows if she doesn’t a thousand equally hot bitches will take her place and stomp out all the progress she’s made to date….and that works for me… I always try to convince girls to get naked to advance their lives, careers and pretty much anything I can…unfortunately, I have no power so it never works out for me, so when I see others succeed at tricking these twats into nudity for money….I appreciate. She’s been in the 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Shows and now here are her tits….

See the original post:
Julia Stegner Titties for Muse of the Day