Tag Archives: the-resounding

Does Going Nude Guarantee a Best Actress Oscar?

The good people over at Entertainment Weekly have undertaken a scientific survey (as scientific as a movie blog can be, anyway) to find out, and for the raw data they have wisely turned to the expert…Mr. Skin! Using frequently nude Oscar darling Kate Winslet as the quin-tit-ssential example, EW cross-checked all the Best Actress Oscar winners from 1987 to 2011 with their records on MrSkin.com. So is going nude the key to gripping a little bald man in your sweaty palms (an Oscar , you pervs)? Yes and no. Only 9 out of the 25 winners went nude in the role they won for (like Halle Berry in Monster’s Ball (2001) and Holly Hunter in The Piano (1993)), but 21 out of the 22 actresses in the survey (some won multiple times- we’re looking at you, Meryl Streep ) had gone nude at some point in their career. Numbers don’t lie, ladies- if you want to win, you’ve got to show skin! Check out our Top 10 Nude Oscar Nominees for 2012 right here at MrSkin.com

Go here to read the rest:
Does Going Nude Guarantee a Best Actress Oscar?

Chyna Smash! The Former WWE Diva Stars in She Hulk XXX

Get ready to pummel your puny pork into dust, Chyna fans, because Vivid has found the perfect role for their newest celebrity ass-quisition. She’ll be teaming up with porn-parody master Axel Braun , who after the resounding success of Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody is returning to the familiar turf of comic books for SKINspiration. Chyna has been cast as Jennifer Walters , better known as She-Hulk, in She-Hulk XXX , and it’s the role this musclebound beauty-turned-porn princess was born to play. You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry…but you will like her when she’s horny! Awaken the big green man (well, we hope it’s not green ) in your shorts with Chyna right here at MrSkin.com!

Originally posted here:
Chyna Smash! The Former WWE Diva Stars in She Hulk XXX