Tag Archives: the-seven-alarm

Alexis Ren Needs To Get That Booty In Adult Movies

If you’re a regular reader of the site, then you already know that I’ve been talking up Alexis Ren here for years now. Saying how she’s hands down one of the hottest women on Instagram, and how she should be a Victoria’s Secret model if they weren’t too busy giving those jobs to rich kids with famous parents. But, you know, I’m starting to think maybe I was wrong. Because after this latest round of Alexis Insta-hotness, I think I’ve figured out her true calling: porn. Some things are just meant to be, don’t you agree?

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Alexis Ren Needs To Get That Booty In Adult Movies

Bella Thorne’s Tongue Is The Seven-alarm Pants Fire

Last week, Bella Thorne brought back her patented money shot action . This week though? She’s taking it to a whole ‘nother level. In fact, I think we might have to create a whole new category for this bikini tongue action of hers: the seven-alarm pants fire. There’s a reason I call her the hardest-working hottie on Snapchat, people. No one else works this hard to deliver for the fans, week in and week out. Enjoy! » view all 12 photos

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Bella Thorne’s Tongue Is The Seven-alarm Pants Fire