Tag Archives: the-stretching

Charlotte McKinney Brings It of the Day

I like that Charlotte McKinney has figured out the right way to pose her weak chin horse face so that it sticks out and looks defined and not like a weak chin horse face, just look at the stretching going on in her neck, she’s like thrusting forward at the camera – strucking to have a defined, overmade up, rebuilt photoshop face….I mean if you have the capacity to see past her MASSIVE FUCKING TITS SPILLING OUT ALL OVER THE PLACE LIKE SOME KIND OF AMAZING, PROBABLY DAMAGING TO HER BACK, BUT NOT DAMAGING ENOUGH TO MAKE HER QUIT THEM TITS…TITS… Holy fuck. They are so big. Apparently, this is a shoot for GUESS!?! The only company she’s ever technically worked for, before getting cast on TV, and I’m not even sure they paid her…but her relationship with PAUL the pervert owner, who also created Gigi Hadid, Anna Nicole Smith and other bitches, like he was Victoria’s Secret, as people love the perverts who own mall brand pussy selections… I don’t really care who it is for, those tits, are just fucking ridiculous…and should be celebrated. TO SEE MORE CHARLOTTE MCKINNEY AT AN EVENT CLICK HERE The post Charlotte McKinney Brings It of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlotte McKinney Brings It of the Day