Xenia Deli posted up a picture of a bunch of ass, just not her ass, in what could be a photoshoot, or what could be her financing a get together with a bunch of her girls, now that she’s not some poor immigrant trying to get ahead in the new world, or some war torn communist, but rather the star of a Bieber video, who can “afford” to bring friends and family for a get away.. As.it turns out, it may have been her wedding, to her sponsor..who she publicly tags, which deserves some respect, most of these girls don’t let people know the rich guys they marry…even though they financed their lives….because they like to keep some things private…right…. She’s up there as one of the hottest, least celebrated models…but she found pure, true love…private jet love…Romance… The post Xenia Deli Poses With Asses of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Xenia Deli Poses With Asses of the Day