Tag Archives: single-boring

Xenia Deli Poses With Asses of the Day

Xenia Deli posted up a picture of a bunch of ass, just not her ass, in what could be a photoshoot, or what could be her financing a get together with a bunch of her girls, now that she’s not some poor immigrant trying to get ahead in the new world, or some war torn communist, but rather the star of a Bieber video, who can “afford” to bring friends and family for a get away.. As.it turns out, it may have been her wedding, to her sponsor..who she publicly tags, which deserves some respect, most of these girls don’t let people know the rich guys they marry…even though they financed their lives….because they like to keep some things private…right…. She’s up there as one of the hottest, least celebrated models…but she found pure, true love…private jet love…Romance… The post Xenia Deli Poses With Asses of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Xenia Deli Poses With Asses of the Day

Taylor Swift’s Single Boring No Ass in Leggings of the Day

Looks like Taylor Swift may have danced her ass off…maybe her no ass is part of the reason Calvin Harris actually left her, he has a ton of fucking money from a bunch of hit songs and doesn’t really need to put up with some Diva bullshit, when he can in turn fuck way hotter, younger, more eager, poorer, hungry fro his cock hoping it will get them pregnant so they are set for life – making him their job – rather than part of a marketing program….dude got the press, dude made 100 million dollars off one song, why put up with this shit, or shitter, or lack of shit and shitter….in tight pants… It reminds me of a drunk bitch I saw yesterday, who was in leggings and who had no ass screaming at her husband, hitting him, causing what would be a scene in these leggings that were sagging to her knee, leggings sagging to the fucking knees like a hip hop skate kid, because she had zero fucking ass, and I didn’t really feel bad for him for being yelled at a bitch who has no ass and was unaware of her no ass to the point of her wearing leggings – which you shouldn’t do when you have no ass – I felt bad that he had to be seen in public known for the guy that fucks the no ass…which was the real fucking scene that was being caused… TO SEE MORE TAYLOR SWIFT ASS CLICK HERE The post Taylor Swift’s Single Boring No Ass in Leggings of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift’s Single Boring No Ass in Leggings of the Day