Tag Archives: the-teachings

Ben Seewald: Jessa Duggar’s Boyfriend Bashes Catholics in Controversial Facebook Post

Ben Seewald started dating Jessa Duggar in September of 2013, and he’s become something of a controversial figure in the months since.  First, there was the now-infamous  Jessa Duggar gun photo he posted on Facebook with a caption praising her assault-weapon-wielding “AWESOME girlfriend.” Now, Seewald finds himself the target for a barrage of online criticism, after posting a rambling Facebook status update in which he outlines his problems with the Catholic faith. “I have nothing against individuals who are Catholic,” Ben’s rant begins. “I know a lot of Catholics who are great people. What I DO have a problem with is the teaching that man can merit God’s favor through his own works or the works of other fallen men.” Seewald went on to list several other ways in which he disagrees with the teachings of Catholicism. He concluded his tirade by stating, “Where my Catholic friends adhere to the word of God, I adhere. Where they depart from scripture, I will in no way support, but will call them out because I love them and desire that they be turned from their deadly errors.” Seewald has since deleted the status update after receiving hundreds of comments from irate Catholics.  SO Many Duggars 1. A Duggar Family Pic Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are still working on that 20th kid.

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Ben Seewald: Jessa Duggar’s Boyfriend Bashes Catholics in Controversial Facebook Post

Auto-Tuned MLK, Jr.

The perfect method for conveying the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Originally posted here:
Auto-Tuned MLK, Jr.