Tag Archives: the-techniques

Should the US be more focused on projects to improve technology and infrastructure?

Last week the Australian Parliament passed a bill to build a high-speed national broadband network. Should the US be giving serious consideration to similar plans? Are investments in technology and infastructure a worthwhile idea to boost the economy while offering benefits for citizens? added by: sgwhites

The Trickle Downers Syndicate !

This organization is quickly forming for people left behind by Capitalistic pigs over the last three decades. Local chapters are filling up quite quickly. Some of the techniques that local chapters are using are “Flash Shopping” where a group of trickle downers invades a local store numbering in the low hundreds their group wearing masks just generally takes what they want leaves the store without going through the checkout and disperses once out of the store. For your flash shopping experience not only wearing a mask but provide your own shopping bag is suggested! added by: kennymotown

Holder poised to open torture probe


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Holder poised to open torture probe