Tag Archives: the-trademark

Beyonce And Jay-Z’s Blue Ivy Trademark: An Expert Explains

Couple likely ‘trying to protect what they rightfully own or created,’ family law expert tells MTV News. By John Mitchell Jay-Z and Beyonce Photo: Evan Agostini/ Getty Images Beyonc

”Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone”?

A founding member of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, who lost rights to the band's name, but not copyrights on the music, through law-suits with other members. Is giving a Canadian band called Blurred Vision permission to cover ''Another Brick in the Wall part 2'' with alternate lyrics. The Toronto based Blurred Vision is led by two brothers who are Iranian born exiles, who keep their last names secret to protect their family still in Iran. It is illegal to posses, listen to, or perform rock music in their homeland. They have changed the trademark line: ''Hey teacher,…'' to ''Hey Ayatollah, leave them kids alone''. Says Waters, ''I support any fight against oppression. This band is speaking out for many, calling attention to a brutal and repressive regime.'' Now, if we could get them to change ''We don't need no education…'' to: ''We don't need an education'', that would clear up a glaring lyrical snag. Double negatives are a sign, in fact, that you are in need of said education. added by: thetrimsmith

‘Twilight’ Lawsuit – That’s Our Moonlit Forest!

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Twilight Find a successful movie and TMZ will find a corresponding lawsuit alleging a shameless ripoff. Case in point – “Twilight.”Summit Entertainment, which owns the trademark to the stylized TWILIGHT trademark, is suing a company that is selling a … Permalink

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‘Twilight’ Lawsuit – That’s Our Moonlit Forest!