Lana Del Rey celebrated her June 21 birthday by going to a Roger Waters concert and blissing out.
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Lana Del Rey Spent Her Birthday Blissing Out At A Rock Show
Lana Del Rey celebrated her June 21 birthday by going to a Roger Waters concert and blissing out.
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Lana Del Rey Spent Her Birthday Blissing Out At A Rock Show
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged bra, bumblebee, celeb news, Celebrity, Hollywood, live, michael, Movies, music-news, real-voice, roger, roger-waters
Bruce Springsteen well behind at #2, followed by Roger Waters, Coldplay, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. By Gil Kaufman Madonna Photo: Dani Pozo/ AFP/ Getty Images
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Madonna Crushes Concert Competition In 2012 With $296 Million
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged bennyhollywood, Coldplay, Getty Images, invalid, kaufman, missing, News, news article, roger-waters, show, well-behind
Lady Gaga’s Monster Ball tour placed fourth on the list. By Jocelyn Vena Bon Jovi Photo: Theo Wargo/ Getty Images Bon Jovi showed all the newbies how it’s done. The veteran rock group had the most successful tour in 2010. And, following closely behind at #2 and #3 are fellow veteran acts AC/DC and U2, concert tracker Pollstar reports. The New Jersey act sold an impressive $201.1 million worth of tickets worldwide this year in a concert economy that was on the downslide. Around the world, ticket sales for the top 50 tours dropped 12 percent to $2.93 billion, and in North America, they dropped 15 percent to $1.69 billion. Bon Jovi beat out 2009’s top two acts, bumping AC/DC, who grossed $177 million in ticket sales, to #2, and U2, with $160.9 million (impressive, considering they had to postpone their North American leg to 2011 due to Bono’s back surgery), to #3 on the list. But hot on the heels of the aging rockers is Lady Gaga, the only woman in the top 10 tours for 2010. Gaga and her Monster Ball tour placed fourth on the list. According to the report, Gaga’s over-the-top spectacle grossed $133.6 million over the course of 138 shows, most of which took place outside of North America. Gaga may have only placed fourth, but she played more shows than the top three: Bon Jovi played only 80 shows, AC/DC played 40 and U2 played 32 shows. The rest of the top 10 is rounded out by Metallica at #5 (netting $110.1 million), pop crooner Michael Bubl
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged amber-portwood, bennyhollywood, eagles, jocelyn-vena, monster, north-america, Photos, roger-waters, show, Year
A founding member of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, who lost rights to the band's name, but not copyrights on the music, through law-suits with other members. Is giving a Canadian band called Blurred Vision permission to cover ''Another Brick in the Wall part 2'' with alternate lyrics. The Toronto based Blurred Vision is led by two brothers who are Iranian born exiles, who keep their last names secret to protect their family still in Iran. It is illegal to posses, listen to, or perform rock music in their homeland. They have changed the trademark line: ''Hey teacher,…'' to ''Hey Ayatollah, leave them kids alone''. Says Waters, ''I support any fight against oppression. This band is speaking out for many, calling attention to a brutal and repressive regime.'' Now, if we could get them to change ''We don't need no education…'' to: ''We don't need an education'', that would clear up a glaring lyrical snag. Double negatives are a sign, in fact, that you are in need of said education. added by: thetrimsmith
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged another-brick, brick, current, Hollywood, Music, naked-vicky, poser, protect-their, roger-waters, the-trademark, TMZ, walked-on-water