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Seriously? V. Stiviano Resurfaces With Court Docs Claiming Donald Sterling Is Gay — “I Was His Beard”

Just when you thought The Side Piece Of The Year had disappeared… V. Stiviano Claims She Was Donald Sterling’s Cover For His Gay Lifestyle The isht that comes out of this chicks mouth just gets wilder and wilder…but anything to avoid admitting she bust it open for cash and prizes . Meanwhile…wasn’t she JUST insinuating that Donald fathered her surprise child a few weeks ago? Via TMZsports : V. Stiviano has just filed new legal docs in her war with Shelly Sterling — claiming she NEVER slept with Donald Sterling … ’cause he’s into men and she was his beard. TMZ Sports has obtained the lawsuit — which Stiviano filed in response to Shelly’s allegations that V. accepted cars and property from Donald that he didn’t have the authority to give her. In the new docs, Stiviano argues that the items in question were given to her in exchange for being Donald’s “beard” — and she insists Shelly knew about it. Stiviano states … she was “not ever a sexual partner of Donald T. Sterling” and “believes that [Sterling] is a homosexual and enjoys sexual acts and or sexual congress with males.” In the legal doc, filed in L.A. County Superior Court, Stiviano says Shelly was “acutely aware of [Donald’s] sexual orientation and condoned same as well as acknowledged and approved [Donald’s] gifts of money [to Stiviano].” Stiviano also says the gifts she received were NOT community property — but rather Donald’s separate property. Stiviano is also suing Shelly and Donald for defamation — claiming they slandered her in the media by calling her a thief and saying she embezzled money and property from Donald. She’s demanding no less than $10 MILLION. We reached out to Donald’s camp — so far, no word back. Story developing … V. Stiviano is trying to get to the money by any means necessary! What are the chances she’ll get to keep her “compensation” and be granted even more cash from the Sterlings for smearing her good name?

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Seriously? V. Stiviano Resurfaces With Court Docs Claiming Donald Sterling Is Gay — “I Was His Beard”

From Cooley High To Cruel Intentions: Teen Movies We Were All Pretty Obsessed With Back In The Day

You know you were in the movie theater every Saturday night trying to see these movies…

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From Cooley High To Cruel Intentions: Teen Movies We Were All Pretty Obsessed With Back In The Day