Tag Archives: their-fingers

Miley Cyrus is Sick in Bed on Labor Day of the Day

Miley Cyrus is sick in bed today, so everyone send your thoughts and prayers to her and hope the sucking dirty dick and pussy, smoking weed and drinking, staying up all night dancing like a retard….while her family celebrates her voice being turned off for a few days, thinking how bad they would love to rip those tonsils out of her fucking head, but remembering that that deep and scary twangy shit buys them shit… So their fingers are crossed, while the rest of us are hoping…that she never comes around again and that the AIDS take her away…even though she’s more insteresting than anything else in pop, by default, being pop is the devils work….and must be rid of our lives…for the good of humanity…only to replaced with more mainstream shit to brain wash us into getting more and more in debt…as we idiolize the lives of these clowns… The post Miley Cyrus is Sick in Bed on Labor Day of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus is Sick in Bed on Labor Day of the Day

Happy 4th Anniversary BeyBey And Hubby Hov: A Stroll Down Memory Lane Of The Couple’s Most Romantic Moments [Photos]

Beyonce and Jay-Z 4th Anniversary It’s the 4th anniversary for “4-aholics” Jay-Z and Beyonce , and in honor of that…we’ve compiled a few of photos of them enjoying each other’s company—-past and present. Why are they “4-aholics” you ask?? – The named their baby Ivy, as in IV, as in 4 – Beyonce’s bday is Sept. 4 – Jay-Z’s bday is Dec. 4 – They got married on 4/4/08 – They have little IV’s tatted on their fingers – Beyonce named her album 4 – And the list goes on….. Peep some current pics along with some throwbacks of hip hop’s most powerful couple.

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Happy 4th Anniversary BeyBey And Hubby Hov: A Stroll Down Memory Lane Of The Couple’s Most Romantic Moments [Photos]

How Could the Climate Bill Have Passed? (Video)

Photo via It’s Getting Hot in Here In the weeks since the clean energy and climate bill died unceremoniously in the Senate, there’s been much soul-searching in both green and policy circles alike. Some people blame the bill’s failure to pass on intransigent Republicans, others a lack of leadership from Obama, and some have pointed their fingers directly at environmentalists. Charles Komanoff, however, is simply relieved. He argues that the failure of the cap and trade bill is good news, b… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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How Could the Climate Bill Have Passed? (Video)

Holly Madison’s Boobs Are Finger Licking Good

I don’t know what Holly Madison is promoting or trying to sell or whatever, but I like watching former Playboy Playmates lick whipped cream off of their fingers so here we are. Actually, to be fair, I like watching them lick whipped cream off of pretty much any body part….. Especially if it’s one of my own. We all saw that coming. more pictures of Holly Madison here