Tag Archives: their-league

Maitland Ward Erotica of the Day

THIS JUST IN…. Maitland Ward is still fucking disgusting…old and expired….But she’s getting paid…by perverts everywhere who like her…because perverts are everywhere and I guess they are given access to their credit cards despite being full retards…and perverts are easy to manipulate and actually don’t like hot chicks because hot chicks are too out of their league and prefer something more attainable like Maitland Ward who looks like a mom….not hot to me…but I’m not the masses… Who cares about Oscar Nominees when you have people like this being shat out of the anus of Hollywood…once on TV…promising…now someone who looks like a Yeast Infection….and probably smells like one too. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Maitland Ward Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Maitland Ward Erotica of the Day