Tag Archives: these-suburban

Toy Story 3 Hater Armond White Didn’t Like The Social Network Either

Armond White is nothing if not predictable . His negative review of The Social Network arrived today, complete with thoughts on how David Fincher’s film compares negatively to the C. Thomas Howell classic, Soul Man , and shots at Noah Baumbach. “As played by pale-skinned, curly-headed Jesse Eisenberg,” White writes, “Zuckerberg may be the most obnoxious movie protagonist Noah Baumbach didn’t write.” Well, at least he liked it better than Greenberg ? [ NY Press ]

Toy Story 3 Hater Armond White Didn’t Like The Social Network Either

4 Issues That Could Make No Ordinary Family Very Ordinary

The premiere of ABC’ s sci-fi-family-mockumentary- Incredibles update No Ordinary Family did little to hide the fact that these suburban superhumans are pretty damn ordinary. From the looks of the ratings , the Michael Chiklis series seems destined to survive a full season. Or at least longer than Lone Star . In order to do that, though, it will have to survive its list of shortcomings.

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4 Issues That Could Make No Ordinary Family Very Ordinary