Tag Archives: thieving-bird

Asshole Dog Owner and Some Other Videos of the Day

I am a dog owner so seeing some asshole cooking his dog makes me mad and I figure I should do my part and show his face to the two and a half of you who read this site…and I am not just doing it because he has Jesus on his car and I like to pretend whenever anyone says Jesus, especially weirdo religious freaks who knock on my door, they are talking about me, it makes me feel more important…even though I know I’m not… If you don’t like that, because it’s not that eventful a video, with no blood shed…here’s… Here’s a Asian woman driver reversing on the highway for 2 KM because she missed her exit… If you don’t like that – here’s an Asian busker and his change thieving bird… That’s enough videos for you for one post…

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Asshole Dog Owner and Some Other Videos of the Day