Tag Archives: thing-together

Miley Cyrus’ New Stripper Tattoo

In case you were trying to keep track of Miley Cyrus’ redneck tattoos, you might want to add this shot to your scrapbook. Here’s the hillbilly hottie showing off her latest ingenious creation. I can’t read what it says, probably something about her being a powerful woman or some crap like that, but I get the feeling it’s misspelled. I guess it could be worse, I once got a lap dance from a stripper with “Property Of Ahmed” tattooed on her ass… Not cool.

Rihanna Ruins Her Sexy Stockings

At first glance these pictures of Rihanna walking through the airport are pretty damn awful, she looks like the nineties vomited all over her, but upon further inspection I notice a little hooker-ish stockings and garter combination peeking out at me. Not bad. I’m not sure it’s enough to make me enjoy these pictures the way I’d like to, the orthopedic shoes don’t really bring the whole thing together, but what do I know. I’m just a simple man who enjoys looking at celebrities in sexy outfits…. This is not one of those moments.