Tag Archives: thomas-franks

To do list includes ‘go on the rob’ and ‘sell weed’

You're 19 years old and the playstation is broken, but need to get some money to repair it. Well first, get organised a create a to do list for this problem. Put down the usual like sell push bike, get a job and oh yeah don't forget to write 'sell weed' and 'go on the rob' because notes like that might come in handy when you're caught with the note and 21g of cannabis by the police. “Police were amazed to find the hand-written note in 19-year-old Thomas Franks' pocket, along with 21g of cannabis on his person. A police source stated: 'He couldn't really deny it with that note. Luckily he hadn't got round to robbing anyone.' “-Metro added by: Mcellie