Tag Archives: thought-it-out

Pixie Lott in Concert of the Day

I don’t know who Pixie Lott is but I know she’s rocking this mic like a little whore rocks a dick only without all the gagging sounds…but then again, I’ve never heard her sing but can assume it sounds like some kind of serious fucking shit…. This post fuckin’ stucks. Oh Well….

The rest is here:
Pixie Lott in Concert of the Day

Doutzen Kroes is the Pregnant Model of the Day

I was drinking Vodka til 7 am. I am a disaster. But not as much of a disaster as Doutzen Kroes pussy is going to be in a few months…. It’s always such a stupid decision when a model, especially a lingerie model jumps the soaking her uterus with semen….she should have thought it out…. I give thanks for the hangover….

See original here:
Doutzen Kroes is the Pregnant Model of the Day