Some of us on the Bossip Staff have really been keeping up with Married At First Sight and we’ve been praying for the cute couple. But, I knew she wasn’t feeling him from the jump. Vanessa was making him leap through hoops and do cartwheels and still cried to the matchmakers. She kept a skeptical look across her face. With all that being said, it seems that she may have had an insight into who Tres really was… A game player? Vanessa says they are no longer intimate because Tre though it would make them “better friends?” SMH Turn the pages for all the videos leading up to this point.
These Freida Pinto for Esquire UK pics could not have come at a better time….because I am currently working on making myself famous in India….USA fame is too overrated…and having over a billion people….half of which are girls…works for my non existant self esteem….so I figure the best way is to post and praise these dots not feathers….esepcially when they are half naked….even when knowing that Dev Petel awkwardness has cum inside her….now I’m gonna go back to researching India pop culture to have better jokes that only they get, since I’m tired of you and moving on internationally…
I hate the bottom feeding latch on friends who try to protect the integrity of their orange faced, unattractive, uninteresting friend who is suddenly famous…..for no good reason other than being BFF with Katy Perry and working out a formula of dominating mainstream pop despite subpar looks….. This is the bitch at the bar you call the fat manager….who doesn’t let you get close to her hot friend for whatever reason….it’s the “keep me around I got your back and take that roll too serious…but look how fun and entertaining I can be mooning the paprazzi despite having a shitty ass” girl who pretty much knows she can’t lose this hook up and will do all she can to keep it by doing stunts like this they can all laugh about….a valuable asset to any entourage….even though Kesha should be sucking the dick of every paparazzi to retain media attention….which I guess could be why this girl is out there doing that too…the dancing monkey of the group Kesha makes jump through hoops for her own entertainment…either way, whether being the overly involved protective cunt, or the dancing monkey…she’s still got a shitty ass and really that’s all that fucking matters…