Tag Archives: throwing-balls

This Dog is Really Good at Pool

We already know that dogs can play soccer . Surprisingly well, in fact. But did you also know that canines can play billiards? Likely better than a majority of the population? The following video serves as (quasi) proof of this statement, as an adorable pet gets up on two legs and shows unexpected skills in the area of throwing balls into holes. He’s even better at it than James Franco… if you know what we mean! Check out the funny footage now: Dog Plays Billiards What else are dogs good at? Making us feel REALLY guilty. Like, guiltier than our mother-in-laws. To wit: 12 Dogs Who Lay on a Guilt Trip Worse Than Your Mother-in-Law 1. Sad Golden Retriever Studies have proven that it is physically impossible for human beings to say no to a dog when it makes this face.

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This Dog is Really Good at Pool