Tag Archives: thrown-together

Malena Costa Re Creating Movie Babes for GQ Spain of the Day

Her name is Malena Costa, she’s some tall hot model from who the fuck cares, and she’s recreating some randomly selected movie babes in her GQ Spain spread…. If you look at the pictures you will see her as Bo Derek as Jenny in “Ten”, as Halle Berry as Jinx in “Die Another Day”, as Jinx again, as Jessica Alba as Sam in “Into the Blue”, as Sam again, as Raquel Welch as Loana in “One Million Years B.C.”, as Loana again, as Sue Lyon as Dolores Haze in Kubrick’s “Lolita”, as Lolita again…. It’s like a mix of old and new that makes absolutely no fucking sense,haphazardly thrown together, it’s like a horrible internet top 10 list, but the picture version, only unlike the horrible top 10 list, you know all chosen at random, this list involves bikinis..and I’m into that and so are you…that’s why we are friends.

See the article here:
Malena Costa Re Creating Movie Babes for GQ Spain of the Day

Conan’s 1st TBS Ad — The Last Second Scramble

Filed under: Conan O'Brien , TV Conan O’Brien ‘s first commercial for his new TBS talk show was literally thrown together overnight — just hours before it premiered yesterday, TMZ has learned. The spot features the infamous ” I’m With Coco ” artwork proudly adopted by O’Brien fans… Read more

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Conan’s 1st TBS Ad — The Last Second Scramble

The Actual Worst Song Of The Decade

MUSIC BUZZ : Does it get worse than this? [ Ed Note : BuzzFeeders nominated some fantastically awful songs in yesterday's Worst Songs Of The Decade collection, but Suspiro got the actual right answer! Click through to relive their video and learn some fun facts about the band hastily thrown together by BuzzFeed editors.] Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment