Michigan Woman Throws Drink At 8-Year-Old With Down Syndrome At Taco Bell Some janky azz ho from Michigan is under police investigation for berating and throwing a drink on a lil’ 8-year-old boy with Down Syndrome at a local Taco Bell says NYDailyNews. Here’s how Isaiah Ramos’ mother described the incident to 13ABC : “He was quiet, he wasn’t doing anything that I noticed,” Isaiah’s mother, Andrea Ramos said. “The lady turns around and was like ‘can you stop?’ He looked at her confused, he didn’t know what he did.” Ramos says she still isn’t sure what Isaiah did to upset the woman. But after exchanging a few works, she says the situation escalated. “She had a cup in her hand and I watched her take the lid off and she chucked her drink at the back of my son’s head,” says Ramos. “I was like ‘stop, he doesn’t understand; he has Down Syndrome.’ She looked at him and said, ‘so, you’re stupid, you’re an idiot.’ ” Ramos says she followed the woman outside and snapped a picture of her license plate and then called police. “I came back in and I sat down and was just holding him, rocking him because he was crying,” Ramos said. People ain’t S#!T! Hopefully the cops arrest this b!tc# and give her exactly what she deserves. Image via 13ABC
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People Ain’t Isht: Michigan Woman Investigated For Assaulting A Boy With Down Syndrome [Video]