This is what I all Selena Gomez getting paid by the producers of Transformers to pretend to be a Shia LeBeouf fan to penetrate a new market of 14 year olds to make their shitty movie succeed….assuming the 14 year olds haven’t all blacklisted her for taking the virginity of their savior Justin Beaver, even though that too is all marketing to divert from the fact that Justin Beaver’s ass belongs to Usher Raymond….both literally and figuratively…..leaving Gomez with nothing but a bunch of adult perverts into chipmunk looking 18 year old sex offenders….maybe that’s what Transformers marketing is trying to do…reach adult perverts….it all makes sense now…. The highlight of the video….her retard looking friend as she adjusts her tits….unless of course you love groupie teens acting like groupie teens cuz you always wanted a groupie teen of your own…but apparently being unemployed and living at your moms doesn’t get you the kind of respect or fame you feel i should…
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Selena Gomez Cleavage Meeting Shia LeBeouf of the Day