Tag Archives: time-everyday

Megan Fox Got Work of the Day

I saw these screen caps the other day, I was going to ignore them because I hate Megan Fox and I am glad she self-sabotaged by marrying David from 90210 who is not David from 90210 on Desperate Housewives cuz dude’s got pills to pay…. The only explanation for this movie she’s in is that some kids shat it out, got their rich dad to finance it, needed to attact a star so people would watch it, figured Megan Fox wasn’t working anymore since her only gig fired her, and offered her a couple hundred bucks to really let the world see her Oscar potential… THis is her Hilary Swank Boys Don’t Cry opportunity that saves her life as an actor….but I’m pretty sure it won’t… Let’s just hope there’s a scene where she gives a vagina puppet show..

See the article here:
Megan Fox Got Work of the Day

Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I figured I’m slow to rise, so I might as well post links to other people who actually take this internet thing seriously…. I also figured that I’m not that interesting of a site…at least based on my twitter and my traffic…so that I should just direct you to real websites as clearly you’ve ended up here by accident… Gotta Love Those Bollywood Hotties FOLLOW THIS LINK Who Has the NBA’s Hottest Dance Squad? FOLLOW THIS LINK Free Cam Shows Are the Best Kind, No? FOLLOW THIS LINK Gabrielle Union is Always Easy on the Eyes FOLLOW THIS LINK Guess Which Blonde Hussy Was Out Last Night Getting Drunker Than I am This Morning? FOLLOW THIS LINK Realhouse Wife is a Looking Good Sweetheart or Possibly a Deformed Mutant of the Day FOLLOW THIS LINK Everybody Has Got to Love Sexy Twins FOLLOW THIS LINK Laura Dore is the Stuff Dreams Are Made Of FOLLOW THIS LINK The Best Kind of Safe Sex Takes Place With a Banana FOLLOW THIS LINK Bai Ling Almost Did a Swan Dive Out of Celebrity Rehab FOLLOW THIS LINK

Continued here:
Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Jenna Jameson Pantsless with Trash of the Day

Jenna Jameson…You’re better than being seen with this trash…I mean this has got to be rock fucking bottom…forced to take a picture with perpetual reality star from the early 2000s…who has since turned to posting nude pics on twitter to get noticed Adrienne Curry….I mean shit…getting cum on by HIV Positive dudes in the early days of your porn…hooking to really awkward and creepy fans at the AVNs who liked being shit on…getting raped by your dad and brother at the same time everyday at school….were all higher pointed than this… Jenna Jameson…You’re better than this….

The rest is here:
Jenna Jameson Pantsless with Trash of the Day