Tag Archives: pointed

Jenna Jameson Pantsless with Trash of the Day

Jenna Jameson…You’re better than being seen with this trash…I mean this has got to be rock fucking bottom…forced to take a picture with perpetual reality star from the early 2000s…who has since turned to posting nude pics on twitter to get noticed Adrienne Curry….I mean shit…getting cum on by HIV Positive dudes in the early days of your porn…hooking to really awkward and creepy fans at the AVNs who liked being shit on…getting raped by your dad and brother at the same time everyday at school….were all higher pointed than this… Jenna Jameson…You’re better than this….

The rest is here:
Jenna Jameson Pantsless with Trash of the Day

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Killed By Sarah Palin!

No one is safe from Sarah the Caribou Slayer. With the unabashed hunting depicted on her TLC reality show, Sarah Palin’s Alaska, and her pointed rebuttals to Aaron Sorkin and PETA , the ex-Alaska Governor and current professional celebrity caused quite a stir earlier this month. Ever defiant, and fueled by the need to feed her family (an organic, protein-filled diet, no less) while guarding our God-given 2nd Amendment rights and earning maximum attention, she’s got someone special in the crosshairs today … Sarah Palin Kills Rudolph

Continued here:
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Killed By Sarah Palin!