Tag Archives: tits-dictating

Emma Roberts and Anna Faris are Dating of the Day

Anna Faris is recently divorced, or getting divorced, from her husband of many years who has suddenly become famous or as famous as he always wanted to be and has no need to leverage a hot wife to give him credibility…you know the checks are coming in and new pussy is out there to fuck….why waste time on an old hag who is pretty fucking hot..but banged out and not new pussy…because new pussy is always better.. Leaving her all old, her prime years behind her, disenchanted and cock-hating….forcing her to become a lesbian in a lesbian relationship with Emma Roberts…like she was Stella Maxwell because pUSSY tastes good tho… There may be no fact to this story. The post Emma Roberts and Anna Faris are Dating of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Emma Roberts and Anna Faris are Dating of the Day

Rita Ora and Charlie XCX Compare Tits of the Day

Rita Ora and Charlie XCX Compare TIts because they are both irrelevant slags from the UK with big tits…ethnically ambiguous…trying to make it in America…almost in it together….or hating each other because there is only enough room for one of them…despite my life’s research into tits dictating that there is always enough room for more big tits…. I am not sure if this is a bonding photo of “we are both the same”….or a catty photo of “I’m hotter than you bitch, get off my fucking coattails”….or a accidental photo….I just know they are both equally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, while Rita Ora is more successful that XCX, so clearly this is one girl following another girl’s titty lead…and the other girl trying to say “I’m the OG, I’m the official, I’m the innovator, I am the UK tits, this other one in the blue dress is just trash….like last nights Banger’s and mash”… Who cares…seriously.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE OF ORA… CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REST OF THE PiCS OF XCX CLICK HERE Here’s Rita Ora in a Slutty Satin Outfit…. The post Rita Ora and Charlie XCX Compare Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

See the original post here:
Rita Ora and Charlie XCX Compare Tits of the Day