Tag Archives: tits-on-some

Amber Heard from Vs Magazine of the Day

Amber Heard is a pretty obvious, coming into herself, open minded, working on being a celebrity, hipster kind of bitch who makes statements about not labeling herself as straight or gay, but just someone who loves whoever she falls in love with, and that she’s had successful relationship with men, even though they broke up and now successful relationships with women, in some fluffy give guys fantasies, make everyone like you, she’s so tapped into fucking hustle…all bi-sexual and shit…which coincidentally gets people to remember you…while I think all she had to do was continue working on pics like this, you know expand on them and take them to the next level, cuz bullshit sexuality statements bore me, while smutty pics don’t…. So here she is in some fashion/art/hipster magazine that isn’t considered porn, but high concept bullshit, even if it is just one panty slid to the side away from it.

See the original post here:
Amber Heard from Vs Magazine of the Day

Miley Cyrus for Prestige Magazine of the Day

Miley got half naked for Prestige magazine, which would have been more interesting if she wasn’t 18, or fully naked….cuz this shit is just boring. Apparently, she told the magazine that she doesn’t understand why she’s got a “Good girl gone bad” repulation because she’s dating the same guy for 2 years, which was code for always being a bad girl, you know cuz to be a Disney girl you need to suck dick and let older men eat you out at a young age in exchange for celebrity, cuz lets face it, being Billy Ray’s daughter was filled with wealth from Achy Breaky Royalties, but not high profile enough to get the gig given to her….she had to work it for that… Who cares. Here are the pics.

See the original post here:
Miley Cyrus for Prestige Magazine of the Day

Victoria’s Secret Models in Elle of the Day

So Elle Magazine made the genius decision to get the Victoria’s Secret models on the cover of their magazine, I assume cuz Victoria’s Secret was lining up a big ad deal, and this was part of the buy, as nothing you see or read in magazines is truth, it is all paid for by corporations, but you don’t need to know that, or think about that, just look at the cleavage and tight bodies and let it blind you from how fucked our world is… I mean did you know that up until the mid 90s, Victoria’s Secret used 16 year old girls as their models in their catalogs…I’m talking 16 year old girls in fucking lingerie for their billion dollar business….and still managed to be a billion dollar company…I mean if I started doing video of 16 year olds in Lingerie, I’d go to fucking jail…. The world is Corrupt….and the point of this post is to say, Victoria’s Secret does a better job of exploiting these women than elle does, I mean I prefer underwear to clothes, and really this should be a partnership with Playboy, or Penthouse, or any smutty site, cuz think like jerking off to those Teen Models of the early internet days, like Kate’s Playground, finally seeing them naked, after years of seeing her in her underwear, leads to real orgasms… Here are the pics anyway…

Read this article:
Victoria’s Secret Models in Elle of the Day

Dolly Parton’s Awesome Old Lady Tits of the Day

I love me some Dolly Parton old lady tits on some Dolly Parton small frame…..Maybe it’s cuz I’m all about old country, and old country music…maybe it’s cuz I like big tits and I’m talking ridiculously big tits, but I like to think it’s most likely because I have a thing for helping the elderly…with my dick.

More here:
Dolly Parton’s Awesome Old Lady Tits of the Day