Tag Archives: titty-grabbing

Bidget Marquardt in a Romper for the Infantilism Fetshists of the Day

One of the weirdest fetishes I’ve come face to face with in the bedroom was when I was slamming this bitch who was into Infantilism. We had been fucking for a few weeks when she opened up to me and told me that she wanted to not only get me in a diaper, but wanted me to shit myself in that diaper, which wasn’t too hard for me, but it was kinda hard when she started fingering herself and moaning as she cleaned me up while talking to me in babytalk…I took the blowjob…and went along with the whole thing, but couldn’t really grasp the psychology behind the shit and wanted to stay the fuck away from it, but it was before the internet and before I knew there was a movement….a movement that must be real fucking happy because Rompers are in style and now everyday hot pussy is out in the shit daily…sure they are walking around and not crawling or in adult sized cribs, but shit’s one step closer to getting the whole world in on what they’ve been into for so long…it’s like this fashion item is opening doors into their world and making the weirdness ok….cuz if you’re like me, and not even into infantilism, you can appreciate the jakced-up pussy hugging while ass and titty grabbing from one piece of clothing at the same time ….and if you can’t you’re the fucking weird one…. So heres Bridget Marquardt proving that not only do you not have to be into infantilism, but you don’t have to be hot to make the Romper a sexy choice when dressing…. Pics via Fame

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Bidget Marquardt in a Romper for the Infantilism Fetshists of the Day