Tag Archives: toaster-strudel

Mean Girls Day: An Appreciation!

It’s October 3, THG readers. You know what that means. Oh, you don’t? Well, that’s okay. We’re here to tell you: Mean Girls   fans the world over recall that this is the day when Aaron Samuels and Cady Heron took a huge step forward in their fictional relationship! As a result, many years later, Mean Girls Day was born!! Doesn’t get better than that on a slow news day, does it?! Eh, it probably does, honestly, but whatever, here we are. In any event, what can you do to commemorate this third day of the tenth month of the two thousand and sixteenth year A.D.? Many things. Useless, but entertaining things nonetheless. For one, you can check out the  Mean Girls cast then and now , to see whose lives are fetch (so to speak) and whose just aren’t happening. MASSIVE spoiler alert you will never, ever see coming: Lindsay Lohan has seen better days. Slash decades. Seriously, Mean Girls is like a time capsule of a bygone era when LiLo was fresh-faced, talented, hilarious and not 30 going on 50. Not to go all Regina George on you, but check it out: You can throw on your finest jeans and track pants, because some fugly skank is sabotaging your diet. You can still sit with us, no worries. Or you could just watch the Tina Fey-Lindsay Lohan classic for the 417th time and see if your knowledge of  Mean Girls  quotes  is still on point. It’s hard to see how they wouldn’t be, honestly. After all, this film has reached the rarefied air where where people overuse its material in everyday speech to an almost annoying degree. That’s their problem, though. Not  Mean Girls ‘ problem. Hate the game (read: the general public), not the movie that produced such gems as: “I can’t go out. I’m sick.” / “Boo! You whore!” “She doesn’t even go here!” “I’m not like a regular mom. I’m a cool mom.” “One time I saw Cady Heron wearing army pants and flip flops. So I bought army pants and flip flops.” “I’m sorry that people are so jealous of me. But I can’t help it that I’m popular.” “Is butter a carb?” “That’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.” “Get in, loser. We’re going shopping!” “Whatever. I’m getting cheese fries.” “I can’t go to Taco Bell, I’m on an all-carb diet! God, Karen! You’re so stupid!” “Oh my god, Danny Devito! I love your work!” “We only carry sizes 1, 3 and 5. You could try Sears.” “On Wednesdays we wear pink!” “That’s so fetch!” “Irregardless! Ex-boyfriends are just off limits to friends. I mean, that’s just like, the rules of feminism!” “If you’re from Africa, then why are you white?” “Oh my god, Karen! You can’t just ask people why they’re white!” “‘Made out with a hot dog’? Oh my god! That was one time!” “Four for you, Glenn Coco! You go, Glenn Coco!” “Don’t have sex. You will get pregnant and die.”

See the original post here:
Mean Girls Day: An Appreciation!

Mean Girls Day: An Appreciation!

It’s October 3, THG readers. You know what that means. Oh, you don’t? Well, that’s okay. We’re here to tell you: Mean Girls   fans the world over recall that this is the day when Aaron Samuels and Cady Heron took a huge step forward in their fictional relationship! As a result, many years later, Mean Girls Day was born!! Doesn’t get better than that on a slow news day, does it?! Eh, it probably does, honestly, but whatever, here we are. In any event, what can you do to commemorate this third day of the tenth month of the two thousand and sixteenth year A.D.? Many things. Useless, but entertaining things nonetheless. For one, you can check out the  Mean Girls cast then and now , to see whose lives are fetch (so to speak) and whose just aren’t happening. MASSIVE spoiler alert you will never, ever see coming: Lindsay Lohan has seen better days. Slash decades. Seriously, Mean Girls is like a time capsule of a bygone era when LiLo was fresh-faced, talented, hilarious and not 30 going on 50. Not to go all Regina George on you, but check it out: You can throw on your finest jeans and track pants, because some fugly skank is sabotaging your diet. You can still sit with us, no worries. Or you could just watch the Tina Fey-Lindsay Lohan classic for the 417th time and see if your knowledge of  Mean Girls  quotes  is still on point. It’s hard to see how they wouldn’t be, honestly. After all, this film has reached the rarefied air where where people overuse its material in everyday speech to an almost annoying degree. That’s their problem, though. Not  Mean Girls ‘ problem. Hate the game (read: the general public), not the movie that produced such gems as: “I can’t go out. I’m sick.” / “Boo! You whore!” “She doesn’t even go here!” “I’m not like a regular mom. I’m a cool mom.” “One time I saw Cady Heron wearing army pants and flip flops. So I bought army pants and flip flops.” “I’m sorry that people are so jealous of me. But I can’t help it that I’m popular.” “Is butter a carb?” “That’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.” “Get in, loser. We’re going shopping!” “Whatever. I’m getting cheese fries.” “I can’t go to Taco Bell, I’m on an all-carb diet! God, Karen! You’re so stupid!” “Oh my god, Danny Devito! I love your work!” “We only carry sizes 1, 3 and 5. You could try Sears.” “On Wednesdays we wear pink!” “That’s so fetch!” “Irregardless! Ex-boyfriends are just off limits to friends. I mean, that’s just like, the rules of feminism!” “If you’re from Africa, then why are you white?” “Oh my god, Karen! You can’t just ask people why they’re white!” “‘Made out with a hot dog’? Oh my god! That was one time!” “Four for you, Glenn Coco! You go, Glenn Coco!” “Don’t have sex. You will get pregnant and die.”

Read more here:
Mean Girls Day: An Appreciation!

Lindsay Lohan REALLY Wants You to Care That She Turned 30

Lindsay Lohan celebrated her 30th birthday over the weekend, and while we’ll grant that there was a time when a lot of people didn’t think she would make it to the big 3-0, turning a year older isn’t really an achievement. Lindsay posted the above photo on her Instagram page on Saturday, presumably to remind us that she has no idea how the world or human interactions work. We know that Lindsay is terrible at Photoshop , so she probably didn’t make it, but just the fact that she posted a birthday card to herself with nothing but Emojis in the caption is weird as hell. Even weirder: that’s just the beginning of Lohan’s bizarre obsession with her own birthday. Not only did Lindsay host a live online Q&A session to “celebrate” the occasion ( seriously ), she also attempted to make her own birthday hashtag happen. Clearly, she learned nothing from Toaster Strudel heiress Gretchen Wieners, because the girl pushed #LiloIs30 for days before taking the hint that it wouldn’t be catching on. And if you thought the weirdness would end there, clearly you don’t know #LiLo. “Happy birthday to me from a genius mind with a beautiful heart!! Hurry back to London soon! #letsdothis #LILOIS30” It kinda feels like Lindsay is a freakin’ Martian who just learned about the concept of birthdays last week. You can’t just post a pic of someone and wish yourself a happy birthday from them. If you could, Kate Upton and LeBron James would wish us a happy birthday every year. Lindsay posted nearly a dozen pics in celebration of her birthday, many of them documenting the Greek Islands vacay that she took with her rich Russian boyfriend . Hilariously, she did the A-list celebrity thing where she was careful not to give away her exact location, so as to avoid getting mobbed by adoring fans. We’d say she could’ve just not posted on social media every 20 minutes, but then where would we have gotten out #LiloIs30 updates?

See the article here:
Lindsay Lohan REALLY Wants You to Care That She Turned 30