Rashida Jones Tried To Pull A Michael Jackson And Bubbles Wasn’t Having It Rashida Jones made an appearance on Desus & Mero Tuesday and she definitely flexed her Quincy Jones is my dad card , by revealing she was bitten by Michael Jackson’s monkey Bubbles. Via People.com : Recalling the incident to hosts Desus & Mero, she said, “I got attacked. By Bubbles. Bubbles. Michael Jackson…” “You can see still,” she added, pointing to the scar on her hand. ” He was wearing a little full…overall jumpsuit and a striped shirt,” she said. “To pretend he was a human.” “He also looked me dead in my eye. While he was biting me,” she said. “I was trying to punish him because he threw something at me. And I, like, hit him on the head and said, ‘No!’ because I had seen Michael trying to punish him before.” “And he looked me dead in the eye,” she said, before miming the chimpanzee biting her hand. “It was, like, white for ten minutes. It was, like, white and then it was pouring blood.” She added that Bubbles had no regrets about what he did: “He was like, ‘I’m the man,’” she said. Apparently Bubbles has been living at the Center for Great Apes, a sanctuary in Wauchula, Florida, since 2005. RIP MJ WENN/SplashNews
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Rashida Jones Reveals Being Bitten By Bubbles, Michael Jackson’s Pet Monkey [Video]