Tag Archives: too-pixelated

For Love and Lemon’s Holiday 2014 Camopaign of the Day

For Love and Lemons is an LA based clothing company – that has a pretty extensive line of lingerie that is pretty relevant, at least with all the models you probably masturbate to if you are me…and knowing the popularity of this site – you probably are me…I’m my only reader.. That said, they released this photoshoot, that I assume is for their 2014 Lingerie collection – with some hot model I am not really sure who she is or what her name is… I just know that this styling, this vibe, this look, and the fact that you can see the lingerie in it’s full form, with a girl in some 70s porn inspired location – without being rebuilt in photoshopped or having her nipples erased in photoshop…like Victoria’s Secret… So what I am saying is – this is how it is supposed to be done…and it’s hot as fuck… To Find out more and to See the Pics I Didn’t Post CLICK HERE

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For Love and Lemon’s Holiday 2014 Camopaign of the Day

Willa Holland Bikini for Twitter of the Day

Willa Holland was the younger sister on The O.C. A show I used to watch because it allowed me to pray on young college girls when I was in my mid 30s and not really anything an 20 year old would want to have sex with – at least not on the surface, but the second I dropped some “Latest episode of OC” knowledge…girls didn’t care…they were just swooped in and locked down….manipulating the general public / hot dumb girls shouldn’t be so easy..but I guess I am glad it is… She was also on Gossip Girl…which was from what I’ve been told The O.C. in New York…but I didn’t watch that one, I was too old to seduce girls when it was on the air and my penis just didn’t work at the same level – seeing as I threw in the towel… She got her start because she hung out with Steven Spielberg when she was 7….sounds normal..I mean I guess like anyone else, the girls who make it are already rich and connected, their moms are hot enough to suck dick, or they are hot enough to suck dick…it’s funny that that stereotype is true… Now she’s on something called Arrow, but more interestingly, she’s posting shitty bikini pics from afar on instagram – that I cropped because I like bikini ass on anyone – especially when it is too pixelated for cellulite.

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Willa Holland Bikini for Twitter of the Day