Tag Archives: too-sprawling

Which Network Will Be The First to Jump on a Russian Spy Series?

And you thought Horse-Boy had the makings of a good Hollywood project. On Monday, federal prosecutors charged 11 people with being part of a Russian espionage ring . In other words: Spies! And lest you think this isn’t like some Cold War paranoia fantasy, the accused — who were “living under false names and deep cover in a patient scheme to penetrate what one coded message called American ‘policy making circles'” — partook in every spy cliche you could imagine: forged passports, false identities, messages written in invisible ink and even the exchanging of “identical orange bags as they brushed past one another in a train station stairway.” Suck it, John le Carré! Unless this is all an elaborate viral marketing campaign for Salt , the Russian spies seem ripe for Hollywood intervention. But this story is too sprawling for just a movie — it needs a TV show. Ahead, Movieline looks at the five networks who should be interested.

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Which Network Will Be The First to Jump on a Russian Spy Series?