Tag Archives: topless-running

Jennifer Aniston Aggressively Hypes Her Nonexistent Nude Scene

Ok guys, get your rotten tomatoes ready, because this is just ridiculous. After reportedly insisting that producers cut her topless scene from her new movie Wanderlust , Jennifer Aniston has been going on a media blitz to promote the film. “So what”, you say? Here’s what: she will not shut up about how great her nude scene was . in an interview with Entertainment Tonight Canada , Jennifer says that ” ‘Liberating’ is a good word to use ” to describe the experience of shooting her topless scene, which she says ” fit the spirit of the movie .” Not only that, but she went on Chelsea Lately last night for an interview that skewed heavily towards discussing the nude scene that reportedly isn’t even in the film , including this infuriating statement by Chelsea Handler : “I’ve been lucky enough to see you topless in our private life, but now America, when they go to see the movie, will get to see her topless running!” Jen went on to say of her naked male co-stars, ” Finally, for once, the men have to disrobe! Trust me, there is your fair share of breasticles as well …” Breasticles? BREASTICLES?? Commence fruit-flinging…now!

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Jennifer Aniston Aggressively Hypes Her Nonexistent Nude Scene