If you didn’t believe in fate and destiny before, then Deseriee Edman ‘s story will totally change your mind. Edman has survived two of the most deadly tragedies America has faced in recent years: the fatal mass shooting inside the Borderline Bar & Grill, and the tragic wildfires that had most of Malibu in flames. CBSLA reports: Carmen Edman said her family’s harrowing escape from Malibu on Nov. 8 as the fire raged around them came a day after her daughter, Deseriee, survived the mass shooting inside the Borderline Bar & Grill. Deseriee told reporters, “Two-near death experiences that you just don’t expect. I’m trying to stay strong as possible for my family and my friends. And I’m trying to look at everything as positive as I can in these types of situations.” Is it just us, or does Edman’s story sound like a scene from the Final Destination movies? Luckily the entire family is alive and safe.
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Woman Who Survived Thousand Oaks Shooting Loses Home In California Wildfires 24 Hours Later