Tag Archives: thousand-oaks

R.I.P: Tia And Tamera Mourn The Loss Of Their Late Grandma Clo

Tia & Tamera Mowry’s Grandmother Dies After Battling Cancer Tia and Tamera are going through a rough time right now. Following the death of Tamera and Adam Housley’s niece in the Thousand Oaks shooting , the famous twin sisters are mourning the loss of their grandmother, who has passed away after battling cancer. Tia and Tamera expressed their deepest sorrows via Instagram this past Sunday. “Grandma Clo … You are the strongest person I know,” Tamera wrote. “You are the matriarch of our family. Every good thing trickles down from you. You amaze me every day with your strength and unconditional love. Your obedience and love towards our Heavenly Father is admirable. Love you so so so much. #cancersucks.” “You are with the Lord now,” Tamera captioned another photo that shows her grandma in good spirits on her wedding day. “You fought a long long fight. Your wish was to be around your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Ariah, Aden, Adam and I miss you so much. I love you love you. Till we meet again.” Tia also shared a couple of photos, one in which she hugs her late Grandma Clo and another where her grandmother is touching her pregnant belly. “You went on to see the Lord this morning and I’m so happy I got to see you. I thank God. I love you grandma, I love you. My heart is broken,” she shared. Hit the flip to see the rests of the sisters’ tribute photos. We are praying for the Mowry family and their loved ones at this time. May Grandma Clo rest in peace. Continue reading

Woman Who Survived Thousand Oaks Shooting Loses Home In California Wildfires 24 Hours Later 

If you didn’t believe in fate and destiny before, then Deseriee Edman ‘s story will totally change your mind. Edman has survived two of the most deadly tragedies America has faced in recent years: the fatal mass shooting inside the Borderline Bar & Grill, and the tragic wildfires that had most of Malibu in flames. CBSLA reports: Carmen Edman said her family’s harrowing escape from Malibu on Nov. 8 as the fire raged around them came a day after her daughter, Deseriee, survived the mass shooting inside the Borderline Bar & Grill. Deseriee told reporters, “Two-near death experiences that you just don’t expect. I’m trying to stay strong as possible for my family and my friends. And I’m trying to look at everything as positive as I can in these types of situations.” Is it just us, or does Edman’s story sound like a scene from the Final Destination movies? Luckily the entire  family is alive and safe.

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Woman Who Survived Thousand Oaks Shooting Loses Home In California Wildfires 24 Hours Later 

Tamera Mowry Shares Grief After Laying to Rest Slain Niece

Last week, Alaina Housley, niece of Tamera Mowry and Adam Housley, was murdered in a mass shooting. Now, the bright teenager has been laid to rest. Temera shared a heartbreaking quote about grief to mark the occassion. Reports on the 12 innocent lives lost in the Thousand Oaks shooting were consumed by stories of the raging wildfire that is tearing through Southern California. But Tamera can’t think of anything but her niece, her grief, and her family. “Today we lay you to rest sweet angel,” Tamera writes on Instagram. “I’ll miss you forever,” she continues. “And your sweet smile.” “Until we meet again,” Tamera adds. She follows those words in her caption with an emoji of two linked hearts. Her caption is beside an image of a very relevant quote. “Grief never ends… but it changes,” the quote begins. “It’s a passage, not a place to stay,” the quote continues. The quote notes: “Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith.” “It is,” the quote concludes. “The price of love.” That is heartbreaking but very accurate. Tamera gave context for the quote that she shared. “This quote was sent to me by my friend David,” she says. She didn’t tag him, which is a tasteful way to give him credit without getting him mobbed by fans. “When I am having a challenging day,” Tamera shares. “I cling to it.” She has had a lot of challenging days in the past week. Her entire family has. Tamera confirmed that she did not have sex until she was 29 and then, wracked by guilt due to her religious beliefs, remained celibate until marriage. She has come under fire for her marriage to Adam Housley. Some took aim at their interracial marriage — because yes, this world is still full of hatefulness and racism. Others took aim because of Housley’s role at Fox News, a conservative outlet that gives a platform to outspoken white supremacists like Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson. It should be noted that Housley departed from his role at Fox News in protest over the network’s pivot from actual journalism to Trump hype. And at any rate, any criticisms that one might have of Tamera or her husband can wait. They are in mourning. Alaina Housley was a freshman at Pepperdine University. It was college night at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California. What should have been a night to party, mix, and mingle turned into a massacre. Tamera and Adam have expressed their sorrow, not only for their own loss, but for the other 11 innocents who were gunned down. And for their families, and for the numerous individuals who were injured. One of the victims who did not survive had, just a year earlier, survived the Las Vegas shooting. To Alaina’s loved ones who survive her, the reality of her tragic death is still sinking in. Some of them may feel betrayed that the world immediately moved on from the story of the massacre. As we mentioned, multiple blazes following serious drought in Southern California have raged through. Entire towns have been destroyed. Dozens are dead. Hundreds are missing or unaccounted for. 2018 has visited many horrors upon us all, but seems to be doubling down on the people of Southern California as the year draws to a close. Rest in peace, Alaina. We hope that her family is able to cope with this unthinkable loss. View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Died in 2018: In Memoriam

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Tamera Mowry Shares Grief After Laying to Rest Slain Niece

So Sad: Tamera Mowry & Adam Housley Speak On Their Niece’s Thousand Oaks Shooting Death

Rick Kern/WireImage Tamera Mowry And Adam Housley Speak On Their Niece’s Murder Less than a week after their niece was gunned down at Borderline Bar in Thousand Oaks, California, Tamera Mowry and her husband Adam Housley are speaking out. As previously reported their niece Alaina Housley was the youngest victim of the mass shooting and her family was devastated to get the news. Now Tamera, Adam and Alaina’s father Eric Housley are speaking with CBS about the tragedy and pledging to use her death to spark a change. Tamera: “Yes, there needs to be a change. But all the noise—nothing’s been done.” Adam: “If I was to walk out of here and the first thing I was to say was, you know, ‘Gun control,’ guess what? Half the country (snaps fingers), [conversation] ends.” Tamera: “And we don’t want the conversation to end.” Adam: “It can’t this time.” They also revealed that they’ve been brutally bullied on social media over Alaina’s death… Adam: “You should see of the tweets we got after Alaina died. I got one that said, ‘You deserve it, you worked at Fox News.’ It got liked by about 78 people.” but they’re moving forward ahead of her funeral. Tamera: “She wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone else.” Tamera’s since shared one of the many harsh tweets she’s received and she’s imploring people to stop. “If you have love in your heart. You don’t talk this way. You obviously missed the message. And don’t you ever judge the death of my niece.” People are sick. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Housleys, this has to be truly devastating.

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So Sad: Tamera Mowry & Adam Housley Speak On Their Niece’s Thousand Oaks Shooting Death

Kim Kardashian Promotes Perfume in Wake of Mass Shooting, Hears All About It

Kim Kardashian stands accused of caring more about her brand and her bank account than about the lives of 12 dead people in California. This is a very harsh asssessment, but it’s one shared by a number of Kim’s Twitter followers right now. The reality star has garnered quite a bit of backlash for what some perceive as an incredibly tone deaf Tweet on Thursday morning. It reads as follows: So excited! @KKWFRAGRANCE is coming to @ultabeauty this holiday season! My fragrances launch in all stores across the country on Sunday 11/25! And then another almost immediately proceeded it: Get ready! #KKWFRAGRANCE is coming to all @ultabeauty stores on Sunday 11.25! #KKWFragranceUltaBeauty. On the surface, this is exactly what any follower of Kardashian would expect: a promotion of her makeup, beauty or perfume collection. But the self-serving messages came just hours after the world learned of another mass shooting, as a dozen people were gunned down in a bar in Thousand Oaks around 11:20 p.m. on Wednesday. As you might expect, many social media users responded to Kim’s fragrance shilling by asking what the heck the mother of three was thinking by sending them in light of this tragedy. Here’s a look at some of the most pointed responded to Kardashian’s Tweets: 12 people are dead this morning Kim…and it happened a city over from your home. Get it together. I would be much more interested with the developing facts behind a mass murder in Thousand Oaks, CA, that went down late last night Kim! But you really blew this one big time! Massively! Kris Jenner needs have a heart to heart with you! Mass shooting right in ur state & as ALWAYS none of ur fam say shhh, WHY would any of you? U all have armed guards 24/7 on you, F the rest of us right? Don’t preach to me on gun control HYPOCRITE, MAKE UR MONEY #ThousandOaks You are aware that there was a mass shooting one town over, right? The thing is, Kim was likely unaware of this horrific massacre at the time the Tweets went live. Based on the similarity of the messages, as well as how they were posted back-to-back, they were almost definitely scheduled to go up when they did, at some point before the aforecited bar patrons were killed. And Kardashian has actually been a vocal proponent of gun control in the past. In February, following a mass shooting in Florida, Kim earned our praise for responding as follows online: “We owe it to our children and our teachers to keep them safe while at school. Prayers won’t do this: action will. Congress, please do your job and protect Americans from senseless gun violence.” So this is one important topic on which the star has been admirably vocal. Still, the unfortunate timing of Kim’s Tweets here coincide with Kardashian having to recently apologize for using the R-Word in video. She may be best served by explaining the situation and issuing a statement about the shooting and gun control in general, simply to avoid another scandal. Not that what folks think about Kim Kardashian is remotely the point right now. What politicians think about the state of our country and the role guns play in it is infinitely more pressing. View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian Goes Nude, Gets Candid About Sex

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Kim Kardashian Promotes Perfume in Wake of Mass Shooting, Hears All About It

Matt Brown Checks Out of Rehab, Vows to Remain Sober

Back in September, Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown checked himself into rehab after a family intervention. Now there is some very promising news that is sure to please the entire Brown family. Matt is out of rehab! RadarOnline reports that Matt Brown is freshly out of rehab, which he had entered to get a handle on his drinking. “Matt voluntarily checked himself out of rehab in late October,” reveals an insider close to the Brown family. “And,” the source shares. “He is continuing outpatient treatment at a nearby facility.” That is very good to know — sometimes, a relapse right after leaving rehab is a risk. Outpatient treatments can help provide continued support. “He is doing really good right now,” the insider says. “And,” the source elaborates. “He is committed to his sobriety.” “His family is very proud of him,” the insider adds. That is no surprise. Sobriety can be difficult to achieve. The Brown family loves and supports Matt and they know how difficult it can be to overcome a substance abuse issue. There’s more to leaving rehab than the support of your family — though that, of course, is important. “Matt has been attending recovery meetings,” the source says. The insider says that Matt has used these peer groups “and has been working with a sober coach.” We previously reported that Matt would hire a sober coach , even when he was still in rehab. A sobriety coach can provide one-on-one assistance that a support group often cannot. The source says that Matt is doing all of this “as well as going to therapy and counseling to battle his addictions.” It’s great that Matt is recovering and is on a path to avoid a relapse. The reason that he (once again) struggled with alcohol abuse was, as is usually the case, self-medication. It was explained that he started drinking as a “way to deal with his mother Ami’s cancer diagnosis.” There were times last year when everyone — including the Brown family — believed that Ami would die from lung cancer. The odds were stacked against her, but she defied all expectations. But the stress of her cancer battle — and the health scares that followed — exacted a toll on her loved ones, including Matt. As we previously reported, Matt Brown was feeling “ready to leave” after only a few weeks of rehab. “Matt thinks that he is ready to leave after 30 days and everyone is urging him to stay in,” a worried source revealed at the time. “He says that he is almost ready and can handle this on his own now,” that insider added. According to reports, he wisely remained until he had completed his 30-day stint. He was also sure to line up all of these safeguards so that he could continue to maintain his health. This was Matt’s second time having to fight an uphill battle to regain his sobriety. The first time was in 2016. At that time, he became more withdrawn and realized that his behavior and drinking were caught in a downward spiral. Fortunately, Matt has a very supportive family — and the resources to afford first-rate care and counseling to tackle this issue head-on. View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

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Matt Brown Checks Out of Rehab, Vows to Remain Sober

Niece of Tamera Mowry & Adam Housley Killed In Thousand Oaks Shooting

Last night, Americans watched in horror as the death toll climbed following reports of a mass shooting at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California . Today, the numbers are in, and once again, a nation is left reeling in the wake of a tragic scene that’s become all too familiar in recent years. 13 lives were lost last night, including the shooter’s, and for the 307th time this year, the families of American mass shooting victims are grieving for their loved ones. Among the mourning are actress Tamera Mowry and her husband, former Fox News reporter Adam Housley. Tamera and Adam’s niece Alaina Housley was among those killed when Ian David Long opened fire during college night at the Borderline bar. She was just 18 years old. “Our hearts are broken,” the couple said in a statement released by their publicist this afternoon. “We just learned that our niece Alaina was one of the victims of last night’s shooting at Borderline bar in Thousand Oaks.” This morning, Mowry revealed that her niece was missing following the shooting. Alaina’s iPhone revealed her location as inside the bar at the time of the attack. On Twitter, Mowry contacted Alaina’s roommate who had also been in the club, but escaped unharmed. “This is her aunt Tamera Mowry Housley. Can you please DM me your information?” the actress wrote. The roommate confirmed that the other girls living in her dorm suite had returned home safely, but Alaina’s whereabouts remained unknown. Adam Housley canvassed the area in search of his niece, but was not permitted inside the nearest hospital due to a police lockdown. “Please pray if you believe….pray,” he tweeted. “My niece. A beautiful soul. … Staying positive and praying and hoping and wishing there was more I could do.” Speaking with a local newspaper, Housley made a grim prediction that sadly turned out to be accurate: “My gut is saying she’s inside the bar, dead,” he told the paper. “I’m hoping I’m wrong.” Our thoughts go out Alaina’s family and all those who lost loved ones in Wednesday night’s shooting.

Niece of Tamera Mowry & Adam Housley Killed In Thousand Oaks Shooting

Tamera Mowry’s Niece Among Those Killed In Latest Mass Shooting

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  Source: Frazer Harrison / Getty Tragic news for Tamera Mowry-Housley and her husband Adam as the couple revealed that their niece Alaina Housley was one of the victims in the Thousand Oaks mass shooting late Wednesday night. “Our hearts are broken. We just learned that our niece Alaina was one of the victims of last night’s shooting at Borderline bar in Thousand Oaks,” the couple stated via their joint representative Chantal Artur. “Alaina was an incredible young woman with so much life ahead of her and we are devastated that her life was cut short in this manner. We thank everyone for your prayers and ask for privacy at this time.”   @adamhousley arrived at the hospital searching for his niece Alaina. A guard didn’t let him through, saying it was on lockdown. He said Alaina, a Pepperdine freshman, was at the bar with several friends. Her Apple Watch and iPhone still showed her location on the dance floor. — Andrea Castillo (@andreamcastillo) November 8, 2018 As the day continued, Housley said he feared the worst for his niece. Just last month, Mowry-Housley gushed over her niece and how much she had grown as a person. “My niece Alaina Housley. I can’t believe I met her when she was five,” she wrote. “She now is a Junior in high school doing a photo shoot with a 70’s theme. Kill it beauty. Good luck in all your future endeavors.” Alaina Housley was 18 years old.

Tamera Mowry’s Niece Among Those Killed In Latest Mass Shooting

Britney Spears Takes a Hike, Flaunts Insane Body

Britney Spears doesn’t always go hiking, but when she does, she wears brightly-colored tops that show off her ridiculous body and makes silly facial expressions. She may not be the most interesting woman in the world, but the pop star does keep things interesting for a celebrity gossip site, all these years later … Britney Spears, Body Go on a Hike Britney’s been keeping active in-between her Las Vegas shows at Planet Hollywood, and is regularly seen at the gym, working on that cut physique. Seems to be paying off for her. The 32-year-old got back to nature this week and enjoyed a sunny walk in the Santa Monica Mountains with a giant bodyguard and a female companion. David Lucado ? Not present. Spears displayed her toned legs in hot pink athletic shorts with a neon yellow trim and a bright and tight blue tank top that needs no further explanation. It’s been an eventful couple of weeks for Britney, who despite being off a lot of people’s radar these days, managed to make some headlines by: Dining and dashing by mistake at the Cheesecake Factory in Thousand Oaks, Calif., without paying her $30 bill (she later tipped $100). Teasing what looks to be an official Britney Spears lingerie line with a photo of Britney Spears in lingerie, which is always a good thing. Expressing her desire to procreate with David Lucado and add a little girl to her brood (she already has two sons) at some point soon. Yup. It’s good to be Britney. Britney Spears Bikini Photos: Damn, Girl! 1. Britney Spears: Bikini Photo in Blue Britney Spears’ bikini body is unreal these days. Case in point.

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Britney Spears Takes a Hike, Flaunts Insane Body

Amanda Bynes May Need Long-Term Hospitalization to Treat Severe Mental Illness

Amanda Bynes’ team of doctors is recommending long-term, in-patient treatment to combat the actress’ severe mental illness, a new report states. Doctors at UCLA Medical Center will submit a recommendation to the judge overseeing her mother Lynn‘s bid to gain conservatorship of her daughter. In it, they will push for long-term hospitalization of the former child star. Amanda Bynes is being treated for a serious mental health disorder and is under temporary conservatorship of her mother until at least September 30. At that date, a hearing will be held to determine her status. After months of increasingly erratic behavior, Amanda was involuntarily hospitalized after setting fire to a stranger’s driveway in Thousand Oaks, Calif. Lynn had Amanda moved from a county facility in Ventura County to the renowned psychiatric unit at UCLA after being granted temporary conservatorship. Doctors have “been observing Amanda, and there has been some improvement,” but her diagnosis is complex, and medication has yet to rectify the issue. Treating such severe mental illness is, in many ways, uncharted territory, and is extremely difficult at the absolute least. If nothing else, it takes time. “She has her good days and bad days, and the goal is obviously to get her therapeutic and stable before being released,” a source says of the actress. Therefore, her treatment team, along with her mother “believes Amanda would benefit from prolonged treatment at UCLA, for at least the rest of the year.” Even though Amanda hasn’t been formally diagnosed with schizophrenia, “she is being treated for it. There is such a negative stigma with schizophrenia.” “Given time and the correct treatment and medicine, Amanda could and should absolutely be able to live with it and be a productive member of society.” “In fact, she wouldn’t likely suffer symptoms of it if she stays on her medication.” Here’s hoping, whatever decision is reached, that she continues to improve and finds her footing. She’s only 27 and has a bright future ahead of her.

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Amanda Bynes May Need Long-Term Hospitalization to Treat Severe Mental Illness