Tag Archives: trained-dancers

Julianne Hough Mormon Bikini Pics of the Day

Julianne Hough is a stripper who never was… I always look onto professional dancers who have made it in the world as professional dancers….and think of what would have been had they been from a different ethnicity or socio-economic background…. I always think of the dance moves, the artistry that could be added to what would be their strip shows if they did what professionally trained dancers were supposed to do…and work as a stripper…before losing all hope and either killing themselves off….not able to accept that not everyone can be Janet Jackson’s back-up dancer and there is only so much room for Dancing TV Hosts…..and too many people can dance… But that doesn’t mean Julianne Hough isn’t a slut, she fucks her brother, something incest porn lovers can appreciate, and I know you’re out there cuz it’s always trending on porn sites….she also fucked Seacrest, a power tripping Napolean complex with a trashy girl fetish, despite everyone thinking he’s gay…it’s an angle to get away with MeToo movement behavior….plus she’s a Mormon…and when Mormon’s leave the church, they all end up fucking nuts….ass out on the beach nuts…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Julianne Hough Mormon Bikini Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Julianne Hough Mormon Bikini Pics of the Day

Kate Hudson’s in Allure of the Day

Kate Hudson is in lingerie for Allure, like she’s not 40 years old, or a girl who has been banged out by every dude in Hollywood, even though she’s been banged out by every dude in Hollywood, some of whom she even drove to Suicide Attempts, because she’s just that kind of rich, spoiled, brat…who probably has a dark, raised by nannies, even Menendez Brother sense of Hollywood kid attitude…that involves filling her pussy with everything she can to feel validated, or powerful as she throws these dudes away when she’s done with them…without them realizing that her mom Goldie Hawn, is where the fantasy is at…even in her 70s…she’s got that whole “I did this on my own, I didn’t need my mom or family for this, I was just genuinely hot”…where Kate Hudson has the whole “I act because my mom wanted to give me something to keep myself busy and to make some money because it requires little to no talent and that’s something I can fuck with, when I am not fucking with every dude in hollywood…” Well… She’s in lingerie in Allure.. The post Kate Hudson’s in Allure of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson’s in Allure of the Day

Julianne Hough Panties of the Day

Julianne Hough accidentally posted a picture she meant to sent to her brother asking “when are you coming home brother, mom and dad are out for the afternoon and I need you to come play like we did when we were 15, I miss your cock and the excitement of making a flipper baby…because incest is the best”… Because there’s no way that those two dancing with the stars, shoulda been strippers but life worked out thanks to American loving dance…don’t fuck… It’s like they are both professionally trained dancers, and any parents putting their kinds into dance…are the kind of parents who want their kids in entertainment…and/or to practice while they watch… It’s all so creepy. but probably not as creepy as when she used to fuck Ryan Seacrest. The post Julianne Hough Panties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Julianne Hough Panties of the Day

Julianne Hough Panties of the Day

Julianne Hough accidentally posted a picture she meant to sent to her brother asking “when are you coming home brother, mom and dad are out for the afternoon and I need you to come play like we did when we were 15, I miss your cock and the excitement of making a flipper baby…because incest is the best”… Because there’s no way that those two dancing with the stars, shoulda been strippers but life worked out thanks to American loving dance…don’t fuck… It’s like they are both professionally trained dancers, and any parents putting their kinds into dance…are the kind of parents who want their kids in entertainment…and/or to practice while they watch… It’s all so creepy. but probably not as creepy as when she used to fuck Ryan Seacrest. The post Julianne Hough Panties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Julianne Hough Panties of the Day

Melissa Stasiuk Titties for Fashion of the Day

Melissa Stasiuk is from Argentina. She’s with NEXT Modeling agency. She is virtually an unknown…making movies with famous photographers to secure her place in the world and in doing that she needs to get naked for fashion or really naked for her career…like a common whore only far more socially acceptable…and here are her tits….not that they are anything to get excited for, because even if she makes it as a top model, she’ll be consistently topless, so I guess this is just a preview of what’s to come….that if you are creative you can probably come to.

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Melissa Stasiuk Titties for Fashion of the Day

Julianne Hough’s Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day

Everytime I see Julianne Hough I see a failed stripper….sure, everytime I see any girl fully clothed, with a career or dreams and ambition, I see a failed stripper….but I especially see it when the girl is a professionally trained dancer….who managed to make it…even though everyone in her life…including herself…would make jokes all those years like “if it doesn’t work out, I’ll become a stripper”….but it did work out and instead of whoring out to multiple men for 10 dollars a song, she’s whoring out for Ryan Seacrest for movie fucking deals…and the whole thing makes absolutely no real sense…because professionally trained dancers are everywhere, and probably more talented and hotter than this…but I guess some of us win lotteries…and others just stay in the fucking housing projects drinking Sizzzzzurp…..collecting welfare checks and food stamps to feed our multiple kids with multiple different people….if you know what I mean… Julianne Hough wore a bikini…I am not allowed to post the pics, but I can post pics she posted of her feet and link to the bikini pics and that is what I am gonna do …. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Julianne Hough’s Twitter Bikini Pics of the Day

Some Pussycat Doll Named Kimberly Wyatt of the Day

I did a little research on this girl because I am always fascinated when I see girls who were destined to be strippers suceed.

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Some Pussycat Doll Named Kimberly Wyatt of the Day