Tag Archives: trash-everyone

Anna Friel’s Got a Gunt of the Day

I don’t know much about Anna Friel, I just know she’s in some stage show naked and everyone made a big deal about it, despite girls getting naked on stage in pretty much every single city in the world every night, but I guess they didn’t have a huge celebrity being on TV shows none of us every watched, unless you consider their dad’s beating and raping them before they ran away and were forced to strip a TV show…. Either way, based on this tight dress, I’m not sure I want to see this girl naked, but would rather see her in a pair of SPANX cuz let’s face it, the gunt she’s packing in her uterus is pretty fucking unattractive.

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Anna Friel’s Got a Gunt of the Day

Shakira’s Got a Gunt of the Day

I am not sure if a new trend in Hollywood is to let yourself go and age the way nature intended your womanly ass to fucking age, but I do know that I’ve been seeing a lot of gunts lately and I don’t like it one bit. If I wanted to see fucking gunts, I’d join the senior citizen’s aquarobics class at the local community center, because 60+ is where I like to keep the gunts, not on barely 35 year old smuggled Columbian trash everyone is hard over standing around in some ridiculous lookin’ dress that’s squeezing her stomach into all the wrong places, like her menopausal, mom of 5, nature’s pillow in her pubis….I’m not diggin’ this,but your lonely ass probably is.

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Shakira’s Got a Gunt of the Day