Tag Archives: tree-branch

Tina Fey’s Tracy Morgan Impression

It's not as good as Seth Meyers' Will Forte impression, but there are still some valuable lessons and pick-up lines to be learned. (Embedding disabled, please click through. Sorry! Blame America's Network.) The Best Links: via Warming Glow Here is an interesting thing about Liz Lemon and feminism if you feel like some “further reading.” Watch

Panda vs. Tree Branch

I've never wanted to be a tree branch so badly in my life! Courtesy of Japanese television, of course, where all cute things come to harvest. The Best Links: via The Daily What Watch

Creepy 1969 Commercial For IHOP

At first I thought the song in the beginning was altered to make this even more creepy, but nope. That's how it aired. Watch

Tree Branch Falls On Power Lines

Apparently a tree branch on a power line makes some pretty fantastic noises. Watch