Tag Archives: tribal-spell

Olivia Culpo Working The Gram of the Day

If you want to see the inner workings of a disgusting, vapid, social media influencer you’ve never heard of, and if you have, it’s from her fucking famous people, whether it is actors or athletes….here’s your exclusive, non-exclusive glimpse… I call this latch on mooch who hangs out with rich dudes, and monetizes off those free experiences….they bring her on because they either get to fuck her, or fuck her sugar baby friends, because she’s in the right circle. Seeing her snapping off that perfect selfie is about as obnoxious as her entire existence…she’s not even that hot, yet she’s getting paid by brands to promote crap to god knows who. I don’t get it. After some research, it’s an ad campaign by revolve clothing who apprently like to use haggard looking whores who aren’t even hot in their campaigns.. Who thought flying these pigs to a yacht in Ibiza and give them a ton of money was good branding…what the fuck is wrong with the internet and social media…like look at every last one of these attention seeking cunts…disgusting.. I am sure being around all these low level D-Lists who make too much money and think they are famous because of instagram taking 100 pics to get one they look decent in..would be the fucking worst. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Olivia Culpo Working The Gram of the Day

Elsa Hosk in a Bikini on a Yacht Cuz She’s Mastered the Sugar baby of the Day

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again… Elsa Hosk is the stand in for Candice Swanepoel, who I think is hotter than Candice Swanepoel, and culturally more interesting that Candice Swanepoel, assuming that these women aren’t all created in some funded lab by the VS overlords… Swanepoel is from South Africa, which along with legless national heroes who kill their girlfriends, there’s also a high AIDS rate and more importantly….systematic racism where these whites were basically using slaves up until 3 or 4 weeks ago…. While HOSk…is Swedish and everyone loves IKEA…Volvo and Swedish tits…Meatballs…good. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Elsa Hosk in a Bikini on a Yacht Cuz She’s Mastered the Sugar baby of the Day

Heidi Klum Bra of the Day

Heidi Klum may be 100 years old…but she still shows off her tits, because you can’t teach an old cow new tricks, especially if that old cow is still worth jerking off to…despite being 100 years old…for reasons I can’t quite explain.. Maybe it’s Hitler’s Eugenics program the third generation…you know experiments conducted on her family that have resulted in something good, something good at earning all with her tits… Maybe it’s because Seal cast some tribal spell on her with his arm sized cock and some voodoo ritual in their sex dungeon that resulted in multiple kids. I don’t have the answers…just the pics…

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Heidi Klum Bra of the Day