Tag Archives: truths-as-kids

Respeck The Glo Up: The Dumbest Things We Believed As Kids That Are Funny AF Now

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Source: KidStock / Getty Kids say and think the darnedest things sometimes — and the adults should take all the blame for it.   Growing up, we were told bold face lies by our parents about everything from the tooth fairy and Santa Claus to not being able to swim 30 minutes after you eat — which we still kinda believe. When I was a kid I always thought people in their twenties were grown ups. But now I realize we're basically just teenagers with more debt — Reagan Walker (@reagandwalker) May 18, 2018 Don’t feel bad though. We’ve all been given false truths as kids that we spend most of our adulthood overcoming. When I was a kid I thought Filet Mignon was Flaming Yawn. — Anton Corazza aka Tuesday (@AntonMCorazza) May 23, 2018 When I was a kid, I thought God had a bank account where all the church money goes — robbie (@_Frimz) May 16, 2018 I wasn’t told this but I used to think that when singers added ad libs to their songs, I thought they were signing two different parts at the same time, I used to wonder how Beyonce was singing the lyrics and the ahhhs and ohhhs at the same time — T (@iKnowYouLoveT) April 13, 2018 And the bright side is we’re all learning things together, as one big happy, social media bred family.   Hit the flip to see more bulls*** beliefs we’ve all had to overcome at some point.

Respeck The Glo Up: The Dumbest Things We Believed As Kids That Are Funny AF Now