Tag Archives: turn-straight

Catch Fade: Antoine Dodson Throws Weak-Azz Punch At The “Bed Intruder” Before Celeb Boxing Match [VIDEO]

Hide ya kids, hide ya wife, and hide ya husbands… Antione Dodson Fights Bed Intruder Looks like Antione Dodson will finally get his vengeance on the man who tried to climb in his window and snatch his people up all those years ago (or at least someone they hired to pose as said failed rapist). According to a press release circulating the web, Antione has identified the criminal and the two have agreed to hash out their differences in the boxing ring. Here’s some raw footage of Antoine delivering the fade to his sister’s would-be assailant: Via TMZsports : Here it is … Antoine Dodson throwing a PUNCH at another man … and it’s hilarious. A-Dod — who became world famous for fighting off a bedroom intruder back in 2010 — will be a pugilist in a “celebrity” boxing event in November … taking on a man he claims is the actual 2010 perp. During a media event for the fight this week, the “Intruder” confronted Dodson — who became “upset” and tried to slug his foe with a right … uh … jab? Again, it’s hilarious. A mini-melee breaks out … with Antoine flailing around and screaming at the other man — “It is what it is, n**ga!!!” Amazing. Dudes turn straight and want to act hard out here! But seriously…wtf is this isht?

See the original post:
Catch Fade: Antoine Dodson Throws Weak-Azz Punch At The “Bed Intruder” Before Celeb Boxing Match [VIDEO]

Rumer Willis Turnin’ Men Gay of the Day

Yesterday, BRUCE WILLIS TOOK OUT HIS FRUSTRATION ON THE PAPARAZZI ….because everyday he wakes up knowing that his drug use and selling his soul to the devil to get to this level of fame and riches with such little talent and hair…is the reason he was given this monster toll of a daughter who has the ability to turn straight men faggot….with her face alone….rocking that bra and see through shirt…and strategically placing herself so the wind blows up her skirt was just fucking overkill….I mean if that was her objective in her seduction….all square faced and sloppy bodied….She’s the fucking worst. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PIC FOLLOW THIS LINK

The rest is here:
Rumer Willis Turnin’ Men Gay of the Day