Tag Archives: sloppy-bodied

Kate Upton Terry Richardson Outtakes of the Day

If you have been on the internet the last 2 days you will probably have seen this video of a sloppy bodied Kate Upton who is going to end up fat, but who is currently not fat….except in her tits…dancing in a skimpy fucking bikini for Terry Richardson ….shit went viral fast…cuz she’s the biggest deal in internet tits…he’s the biggest deal in fashion photography…both underserving…but who cares….here are the outtake pics…topless and busty….

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Kate Upton Terry Richardson Outtakes of the Day

Rumer Willis Turnin’ Men Gay of the Day

Yesterday, BRUCE WILLIS TOOK OUT HIS FRUSTRATION ON THE PAPARAZZI ….because everyday he wakes up knowing that his drug use and selling his soul to the devil to get to this level of fame and riches with such little talent and hair…is the reason he was given this monster toll of a daughter who has the ability to turn straight men faggot….with her face alone….rocking that bra and see through shirt…and strategically placing herself so the wind blows up her skirt was just fucking overkill….I mean if that was her objective in her seduction….all square faced and sloppy bodied….She’s the fucking worst. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PIC FOLLOW THIS LINK

The rest is here:
Rumer Willis Turnin’ Men Gay of the Day

Jersey Shore’s Newest Monster in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t know if MTV is trying to turn their network into a Horror network, or if MTV hired a fat female programming director who overseas everything, to make sure they don’t pollute the youth with images of fit, hot, tight bodied women, because it raises the bar too high for everyday women, you know to live that healthy life…or maybe they just saw so much success with Snooki that they decided to cast her body double for her stunt scenes, or maybe all Italian American women are built this disgusting, thick necked, retarded face, sloppy bodied with shitty flea market tattoos, but I do know whatever the fuck this is, it is a weird fucking shape….and this has to be some kind of joke….you know…to see how far they can push it before people stop watching it…the whole thing is both scary and disgusting. Make it stop. To See the Rest of the Pictures – Follow This Link

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Jersey Shore’s Newest Monster in a Bikini of the Day