a href=”/cms/u.php?u=71890″> I don’t understand a lot about fat chicks and I’m married to a fat chick…not that that would make me understand the breed any better…it’s just that I always see these fat chicks in leggings….when you’d think legggins is the one thing, along with naked, fat chicks should avoid….I don’t know if they think it is slimming, even it it just emphaises all that is wrong with their bodies or if it is easier for them to stomach a stretched out XL than a pair of pants with an actual button and zipper that are less forgiving…or if the bitches feel like if they dress fit people will perceive them as fit….but I do know that I don’t have the power to stop them, so I might as well join them….and embrace this shit…even if I can’t get my arms around the shit….and know I’ll never fully accept..but luckily fat chicks are virtually invisible to me…and hardly ever pop up on my radar…except when I’m face to face with them and my “Fight or Flight” response kicks in…. FOLLOW ME
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Some Christina Aguilera is a Fat Chick in Leggings of the Day